Career Pains before Success & I was a Procrastinator – Short Motivational Poem

Stuck in life by Bhuwan Pant

Career Pains before Success…

Career is a Journey

Where I go alone

There I meet the Unknown


Sometimes I meet Happiness

Sometimes the fear,

Sometimes little Success,

but Sometimes I encounter big failures. 


I am always on a Journey

Sometimes to known places,

sometimes to unknown terrains,

Every day I am sculpturing myself,

Every day I am cutting myself,

Even though there is a lot of pain.


Today I am crying alone,

Today I am sinking alone,

but Driven by Determination,

Driven by Inspiration,

Driven by my Actions,

This Journey will end in Complete Celebrations.

by Bhuwan Pant



I was a Procrastinator…


A few months ago I was a Procrastinator

Today I Worship the god of Action


Action god pushes me

Action god punishes me

Action god guides me

Action god tested me


There are pure emotions

Anger, sadness, and fear

which only my Action god can see.

But he is Now Blessing Me


With Happiness and Inner Satisfaction

Taking me away from distractions

Clearing out my Confusions,

Giving me the direction.


Now Sitting with Him

I see my Goals and Ambitions becoming Real

with Tears of Joy in my eyes,

My Action God is taking me on a Success ride.


By Bhuwan Pant



What All I Know…

I know I know a lot

But I don’t know I don’t know a lot.


I don’t know my hidden fears

I don’t know the reason for my tears.


I don’t know what next

 I don’t know what’s my best.


I don’t know where to go,

I don’t know how to grow.


I don’t know my life purpose,

 I don’t know when my efforts are going to work.


All I know is I have to walk

Even though there is no path


Rest will come on the way

that is a style in which the Divine plays.

by  Bhuwan Pant



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